Reputation Armor Search

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Remove Rip Off Reports Process

First, let’s get the most common question out of the way: Will rip off report remove the complaint about my company from their website? The simple answer is NO. has been online for over 10 years and they have purportedly NEVER removed a complaint from their website. The website even states that “We never remove a rip off report, even if the original author requests it.”

Rip off report is protected by the CDA (Communications Decency Act) which in short states that a website owner is not legally responsible or liable for the content a “user” posts on their website or network.

So why do companies like Reputation Armor say they can “Remove” rip off reports? The term “Remove” simply refers to the process of removing the links to the rip off reports from the top of search results, so when people search your name on Google they do not find the rip off reports (At Least Not Ranking High).

How do companies like Reputation Armor remove rip off reports ( from the top of search engine results?

The process is commonly referred to as Online Reputation Management, but technically it is Search Engine Optimization they removes it from the top of Google and SE’s.

The process is comprised of 2 main elements, Fresh Content and Link Building. There are dozens of other ingredients needed but it would take weeks to write them all on this page. To give you an idea of the BASIC process of how it may work we have listed some of the tactics below.

· Create Fresh Content: Make new keyword optimized social profiles, Blogs, Mini-Websites, Articles, press releases and more. Use websites and tools like Wordpress, PeoplePond, Linkedin, Twitter, FaceBook, YouTube, Flickr and so on.

· SEO Your Ass Off!: Now comes the hard part (Or Expensive), start SEO to all of the content you created. Example: If you make a Twitter account, add a link to your twitter account from your other accounts, fid others to link to your twitter account to boost its popularity and find followers. Remember to update your accounts including Twitter on a regular basis. There are hundres of SEO Tips you can find online.

· Link Building: Link building falls under SEO, it is actually off-site SEO and in my opinion is very important, if not the most important facet.

· Stay Digitally Active: Stay active online on social networks like twitter, and keep your online content updated!

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